Studio Policies
All students are expected to attend their regularly scheduled classes. Each class offers a step forward in the educational process. A missed class could leave a child one step behind the other students. During the months of February through April, choreography for the recital will be taught and rehearsed. It is important for children to feel completely confident with the choreography and the year-end performance. Missing class during this period could result in frustration for the students and their teachers and classmates.
Dance is a physical activity that requires the body to be warmed up in order to execute movement safely. Late students miss the proper warm-up and/or barre and therefore may sustain injury. Students who arrive more than 10 minutes late may be asked to observe class for reasons of personal safety.
Make-up Classes
Students who miss a class will have the opportunity to make it up with another similar class. Please check with the office to determine the best make-up class for your child.
Illness Policy
Colds, flu, and other contagious diseases occur frequently and spread easily among children. To help protect your own child’s health and to minimize the possibility of contagion at school, please keep your child at home if you observe any of the following symptoms:
Nasal discharge that is green or yellow
Complaints of ear pain
Consistent cough
Severe sore throat
Eyes that are pink, burning, itching, or producing discharge
Diarrhea or vomiting
If these symptoms or other conditions deemed contagious are observed in your child during a class, you will be called to pick up your child immediately.
Discipline Policy
In order to maintain a happy, healthy, professional environment, students are taught the importance of being a part of the group. We encourage students to have respect for other students, the teachers and staff, and studio property, and we foster the development of good habits and compliance with rules of conduct.
General Policies
Use of the school telephone is limited to emergencies only.
Parents and students should never interrupt a class in session.
Only water is allowed in the studios. No food, drinks, or gum.
Our priority is the safety of every child on the school premises. Children must be supervised at all times.
No cell phones or computers may be used during class time. (This means no emailing, Internet use, or text messaging.)
Students and parents are restricted from contacting teachers by phone, email, text messages, etc. All communication with teachers or the director must go through the Expressions Academy of Dance office.
Please refrain from speaking negatively about teachers, students, or parents from other schools.
All students must show respect for their teachers at all times. Inappropriate behavior could result in dismissal from the school.